Tuna dip
This recipe is so versatile - you can use it as a dip with some veggie sticks or crackers, top your toast with it, spread it on a sandwich or wrap, or stir it through a salad. It's rich in protein, iodine and antioxidants, making it a perfect snack for pregnant and postpartum women. You can swap the tuna for an oily fish (salmon, mackerel or sardines) to make it rich in omega-3 fats!
100 g tinned tuna in olive oil *
1 small stick celery, finely chopped
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tbl of lemon juice
2 tbl Greek yoghurt
Handful fresh herbs, finely chopped (dill, coriander, mint, parsley)
1/2 tsp honey
Salt and pepper to taste
*You can drain the fish a bit, but keep some of the oil because it’s nice in the dip
Mash all ingredients together in a bowl until well combined.